Pulp and Paper

MPW’s automated tooling has been the key to decreasing downtime and increasing production at pulp and paper mills across North America. MPW has improved its situational safety by achieving 85 percent automation in all industrial cleaning services at many pulp and paper mills.

We have designed and engineered hands-free tooling throughout the mill, including conveying, liquor and drain lines; liquor tanks and boilers; evaporators, condenser tubes and heat exchangers; and shell sides and paper rolls.

Specific examples of automated execution for this customer include:

  • Condenser cleanings: Utilizing an array of cleaning heads, MPW cleans and maintains the integrity of vulnerable tubes, while removing personnel from a hazardous area.
  • Boiler Tube Cleaner: The cleaner travels along a track, indexing each tube with consistent pressure. The cleaner is operated remotely from a control station featuring a real-time display from the forward-mounted camera and achieves increased safety via elimination of confined space entry.
  • Automated lancing: The quality of clean realized by these tools enables many pulp & paper mills to reduce the number of annual cleanings. MPW uses its single- and triple-lance machines to eliminate the previous method of cleaning using more dangerous hand-lancing techniques.

Check out our array of services below created to be innovative, minimize potential safety risks and achieve operating efficiencies all while maximizing performance.

Featured Story

A Florida pulp and paper mill faced a complicated, dangerous process to clean its power boiler during scheduled outages.

Featured Story

The black liquor recovery boiler is a vital economic component of the pulping process, used primarily in pulp and paper applications to reclaim pulping chemicals.

Contact MPW Industrial Services

How can we help you? Let our professionals utilize their technological resources to improve your industrial cleaning, water purification, facility management, and environmental management processes. Contact us today!

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