In November, MPW Environmental Services, Inc., received three Zero Injury Safety Awards (ZISAs) from the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc. (NMAPC), for 2017.
The awards are for 280,924 zero-injury man-hours at FirstEnergy’s Bruce Mansfield Plant in Shippingport, Pa.; 123,332 zero-injury man-hours at FirstEnergy’s W. H. Sammis Plant in Stratton, Ohio; and 50,641 zero-injury man-hours at First Energy Harrison in Haywood, W.Va.
“These awards represent an extensive amount of dedication and focus by MPW employees,” said MPW President Jared Black. “Being recognized by the NMAPC is an honor and we’re always especially proud of awards related to safety.”
The teams that earned these honors also helped MPW’s Steubenville Branch collect the 2016 and 2017 Green Hat for Safety Awards, which is awarded annually to an MPW group that “demonstrates a steadfast commitment to improving safety and health in the workplace and beyond.”
MPW received the ZISAs at NMAPC’s 18th annual awards ceremony at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.
NMAPC created its ZISA program to recognize world-class safety, which is an integral component of the organization’s governance. The award is open to all contractors, industrial business owners/clients and building trades crafts on projects performed under the terms of the National Maintenance Agreements or National Power Generation Maintenance Agreements program.
Click here to read about MPW’s 2016 ZISAs.